Troy Stetina
Troy Stetina
Featured Instructor
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Select A Lesson
- Alternate Picking
- Alternate Picking Control, Part 1
- Alternate Picking Control, Part 2
- Alternate Picking Control, Part 3
- Alternate Picking Control, Part 4
- Alternate Picking and Sequencing
- Arpeggios
- Articulation, Vibrato, and Bends
- Basic Rock Chords
- Blazing Rock Licks
- Blues Rock Licks
- Blues and Dorian Scales
- Blues-Infused Rock Licks
- Building Speed
- Diminished Rock Licks
- Double Stop Rock Licks
- Harmonic Minor Scale
- Harmonics
- Lead Licks and Cliches
- Left and Right Hand Techniques
- Legato Licks for Rock Guitar
- Legato Techniques
- Major Pentatonic Scale
- Metal Rhythm Guitar
- Minor Pentatonic Scale
- Minor Pentatonic Scale
- Minor-Major Rock Licks
- Modal Rock Licks
- Palm-Muted Rock Licks
- Power Chord Primer
- Power Chords
- Raked and Swept Rock Licks
- Randy Rhoads Style
- Rock Barre Chords
- Rock Dyads
- Rock Licks
- Rock Licks Using Pick Tricks
- Rock Licks with Wild Bends
- Rock Riffs With Open Strings
- Rock Shuffle
- Rock and Blues Progressions
- Rockin' Shred Licks
- Scale-Based Rock Licks
- Seventh Chord Inversions
- Sliding Into Rock Licks
- Sweep Picking
- Tapped Out Rock Licks
- Three-Notes-Per-String Scale Patterns
- Triad Inversions
- Two-Handed Tapping
- Whammy Bar Tricks
Troy Stetina is an internationally recognized guitar virtuoso and music educator with more than thirty methods, books, and DVDs published by Hal Leonard Corporation. His bestselling book/CD, Speed Mechanics, has sold more than 100,000 copies. Troy is also guitarist for the alternative rock band Second Soul and side project Secret Society of Starfish on Unicorn Records.