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Video Lessons
1 - 8 of 8 matchesTitle Instructor Format Price*
Title: The Ionian Scale Instructor: Carl Culpepper Format: Video Master Class with TAB (PDF) Price: $4.99
Title: The Aeolian Scale Instructor: Carl Culpepper Format: Video Master Class with TAB (PDF) Price: $4.99
Title: The Seven Modes Instructor: Steven Hoffman Format: Video Master Class Price: $4.99
Title: Exploring Scales Instructor: Barrett Tagliarino Format: Video Master Class with TAB (PDF) Price: $4.99
Title: Modal Soloing Instructor: Doug Boduch Format: Video Core Lesson Price: $4.99
Title: Mixing Scales and Modes Instructor: Doug Boduch Format: Video Core Lesson Price: $4.99
Title: Diatonic Scales and Licks Instructor: Danny Gill Format: Video Master Class Price: $4.99
Title: Modes Instructor: Doug Boduch Format: Video Core Lesson Price: $4.99