Search Tips

There are two ways to find the titles you are searching for on Quick Search and Advanced Search.


If you click on Quick Search at the top of the page, a search box will appear. In this box you can enter a song title, artist name, songwriter, or lesson topic. If you use more than one keyword, our search engine will restrict the results to titles that each match all the keywords that you enter.

When you are searching for a title, it is best if you leave out common words such as the, or, and, so that you get more accurate results. For example, if you are looking for "The House of the Rising Sun," it may work best if you type in "House Rising Sun." If you know the title and the artist, try entering a keyword for each, such as "Universe Beatles," to find "Across the Universe" by The Beatles.

Try not to use common words such as "guitar," "music," or "love." It slows down your search and will return far more results than you probably want.

If you are searching for a product by the artist name, it is probably best if you start with just the last name, which is generally a less common search word.


To use the Advanced Search, click the magnifying glass icon in the Quick Search box at the top of the page. You will be taken to a page where you can enter general keywords or specific search terms for a song title, album title, or artist name, as well as select by instructor, musical style, product type, guitar playing level, and instrument. If you have entered several search terms and cannot find the item for which you are searching, try reducing the number of search criteria to broaden the search.


The primary results page is organized by digital product type: G-Plus Lessons, G-Plus Songs, Song Transcription, Video Lessons, Video Song Lessons, and/or Play-Along Tracks. Each product type will display ten results maximum. If there are more than ten results for a product type, you may click the "View All" link to view the rest.

When you are looking at a specific product type's results page, you may select how many results it will display per page. This can be done by clicking the number you would like displayed in the upper right corner of the Search Results page.

When you have found the correct song or lesson, click on the title or the link to be taken to the product page.