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G-Plus Lessons
1 - 10 of 177 matches View AllTitle Instructor Level Price*
Title: Key of F and Compound Time Instructor: Doug Boduch Level: Beginner Price: $4.99
Title: Articulation: Slides, Hammer-Ons, Pull-Offs, String Bends Instructor: Doug Boduch Level: Beginner Price: $4.99
Title: Jam Session Instructor: Doug Boduch Level: Beginner Price: $4.99
Title: Grand Finale: Stairway! Instructor: Doug Boduch Level: Beginner Price: $4.99
Title: Fifth Position Instructor: Doug Boduch Level: Beginner Price: $4.99
Title: Drop D Tuning and Movable Major Scales Instructor: Doug Boduch Level: Beginner Price: $4.99
Title: Movable Minor Scales Instructor: Doug Boduch Level: Beginner Price: $4.99
Title: Barre Chord Practice Instructor: Doug Boduch Level: Beginner Price: $4.99
Title: Travis Picking Instructor: Doug Boduch Level: Beginner Price: $4.99
Title: "In the Hall of the Mountain King" Instructor: Doug Boduch Level: Beginner Price: $4.99
Video Lessons
1 - 10 of 70 matches View AllTitle Instructor Format Price*
Title: Lesson 46: Blues Rhythm Riff Instructor: Matthew Von Doran Format: Video Master Class with TAB (PDF) Price: $4.99
Title: Blues Rhythm Essentials Instructor: Albert Cummings Format: Video Master Class Price: $4.99
Title: Billy Gibbons Style Instructor: Doug Boduch Format: Video Core Lesson Price: $4.99
Title: Celtic Guitar Instructor: Doug Boduch Format: Video Core Lesson Price: $4.99
Title: Robben Ford Style Instructor: Doug Boduch Format: Video Core Lesson Price: $4.99
Title: British Blues Soloing Instructor: Doug Boduch Format: Video Core Lesson Price: $4.99
Title: David Gilmour Style Instructor: Doug Boduch Format: Video Core Lesson Price: $4.99
Title: Brad Paisley Style Instructor: Doug Boduch Format: Video Core Lesson Price: $4.99
Title: Eighties Metal Guitar Instructor: Doug Boduch Format: Video Core Lesson Price: $4.99
Title: Beatles Electric Guitar Style Instructor: Doug Boduch Format: Video Core Lesson Price: $4.99