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1 - 10 of 14 matches View AllTitle Instructor Format Price*
Title: Jazz Lines Instructor: Brent Mason Format: Video Master Class with TAB (PDF) Price: $4.99
Title: Western Swing Instructor: Brent Mason Format: Video Master Class with TAB (PDF) Price: $4.99
Title: Harmonics Instructor: Brent Mason Format: Video Master Class with TAB (PDF) Price: $4.99
Title: Hank Garland and George Benson Influence Instructor: Brent Mason Format: Video Master Class with TAB (PDF) Price: $4.99
Title: Don Rich Influence Instructor: Brent Mason Format: Video Master Class with TAB (PDF) Price: $4.99
Title: Brent's Bounce and Open-String Scale Licks Instructor: Brent Mason Format: Video Master Class with TAB (PDF) Price: $4.99
Title: Telecaster Chicken Pickin' Instructor: Brent Mason Format: Video Master Class with TAB (PDF) Price: $4.99
Title: Jerry Reed Influence Instructor: Brent Mason Format: Video Master Class with TAB (PDF) Price: $4.99
Title: Triads and Triplets Instructor: Brent Mason Format: Video Master Class with TAB (PDF) Price: $4.99
Title: Swinging Acoustic Licks Instructor: Colin O'Brien Format: Video Master Class Price: $4.99